Eliminate the unecessary stress

Choose us for professional lice removal services in Cloquet, MN, serving Hermantown, MN

If you suspect that you or your child has head lice, it's important to seek professional head lice services. Fortunately, The Lice Barn is here to help. We offer thorough treatment and removal services for individuals and schools across the Cloquet and Hermantown, MN area.

We are here to help 7 days a week, please reach out to us to schedule an appointment for head lice services. You can schedule an appointment at our clinic, or we can travel to your school.

Once a week take a peek

Prevention is key to avoiding head lice. Its important to take 5 minutes once a week to check for head lice. The best way is to comb hair, focusing on the crown of the head, nape of the neck, and behind the ears. In addition to head checks, you should avoid:

  • Head-to-head contact with others especially at school, sporting events and playgrounds
  • Sharing combs, brushes, hats, and hair accessories with friends
  • Wearing long hair loose. Buns and braids are best!


Contact us at 218-380-1979 today to discuss the head lice services you need for yourself, your children or your school in Cloquet or Hermantown, MN.


5 signs you have a head lice infestation

There are several telltale signs you're dealing with a lice infestation. Here are five things you should look out for:

  1. Itching on the scalp, neck and behind the ears
  2. A tickling or crawling sensation on the scalp
  3. Sores caused by excessive scratching
  4. Difficulty sleeping and irritability
  5. Small, brown sesame seed like eggs that are hard to remove from the strand of hair

If any of these signs seem familiar, contact us to schedule an in-person head check and peace of mind in Cloquet, MN.